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Hemo Him

HemoHim is a health supplement sold by Atomy (a Korean MLM or direct-sales like Amway). It uses the extracts of 3 medicinal plants that grow in Korea and formulates a health booster that has the Power that Awakens Tired Immune Cells. Nice selling line, huh?

“Hemo” refers to Hemoglobin (protein molecules within red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body) and “Him” is the Korean word for Power.

This was created by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI: a national research and development facility) with the support of the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology. HemoHim is recognized as being a well-researched supplement. There is so much confidence in this product that the medicinal plants that form the basis are now planted and harvested in select areas of Korea. This has allowed the price to become affordable for the masses.

Medicinal Herbs used in HemoHim

Angelica Radix (Root of Angelica Gigas): Also called Korean Angelica or Purple Parsnip, a perennial that grows in forests and produces big balls of tiny purple flowers. It’s a root often used in traditional medicine for the treatment of anemia, pain infection and articular rheumatism.

Cnidii Rhizoma (Rhyzome of Cnidium Officinale): A perennial plant that flowers in August. It may kill cancer and bacterial cells, reduce inflammation and strengthen bones.

Paeonia Radix (Root of Paeonia Japonica): A perennial that flowers in springtime with beautiful, small white flowers. Used to treat gout, osteoarthritis, fever and cough.

This best-selling product from Atomy is sold in 18 countries worldwide and has patents in 21.

Claims of Health Benefits

  • Stimulates development of red blood cells.

  • Activates immune cells.

  • Improves recovery of white blood cells.

This article here details how they make the formulation (Preparation of HemoHim) without revealing any trade secrets, I’m guessing.

As with any health supplement (the word itself means to add an extra element or amount), this is not a needed addition. The reason there are so many supplements and health boosters is that people believe the “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” (Ben Franklin said that!) adage I suppose. Please consult with a doctor before taking any supplements.

OPPA was gifted this from his mom to “boost his immune system”. He has one in the morning before breakfast. I can’t say what it’s doing to him on the inside, but it seems to work the placebo effect in making him feel good which is, not a bad thing.

As with any “natural” supplements, there have been cases of adverse side-effects.

Hong Kong had 4 cases of women who suffered liver injury after taking this supplement (read about it here).

Here is Atomy’s response to this here (read at Information About HemoHim). Methoxsalen, the ingredient in question, is a naturally occurring substance in the medicinal plants used in HemoHim. There have been official analysis done of the products in question by the manufacturer as well as other nationally accredited certification agencies.

Their results indicated that the presence of methoxsalen was from natural sources (from the medicinal plants) at levels safe for human consumption.

An official response is awaiting further research and analysis.